The answer is in the Mirror

The Therapy

Clinical Psychology

MIMT is a unique, effective intervention based on up-to-the-minute neurobiology and psychology research.  

It’s clear to clinicians that trauma is a considerable factor in vulnerability to psychological problems. Almost every 

MIMT sessions take place in front of a large mirror. Unlike other trauma therapies, during which you look at your therapist as you speak, in MIMT you address your own reflection. With your therapist as your gentle, expert guide, you’ll arrive at the very deepest parts of your inner self. There, you’ll access the root cause of your issues, but crucially won’t dwell on the past. Instead, you’ll focus on the here and now, learning how you can live happily in the present – and the future. 

Why Mindful Interbeing Mirror Therapy

Mental health problems are more common than ever, and for many, traditional psychotherapies simply aren’t working. That’s why Doctor Alessandro Carmelita and Dr Marina Cirio developed MIMT, a revolutionary new therapy specifically designed to tackle the mental health problems of the modern world.

The MIMT methodology was then specially adapted for athletes, delivering a unique training method (MTM) designed to help professional sportspeople overcome their psychological barriers. 

What happens during a Mindful Interbeing Mirror Therapy session?

MIMT sessions always take place in person. Our therapy rooms are calm and inviting. Each is equipped with comfortable seating and a large mirror.

Your therapist will invite you to look into the mirror as they guide you on a journey to your deepest self. You’ll experience significant emotional and relational insights that will deeply change the way you feel about yourself, others and the world around you. MIMT  will leave you feeling more love and compassion towards everyone and everything – and crucially, yourself.

As a consequence of these insights, together with your therapist, you will focus on the rearrangement of deeply-ingrained ideas, rethinking the way in which your surroundings influence you and your mood. Ultimately, MIMT will help you live in greater harmony with yourself, your world and the people in it.


What issues can Mirror Therapy help with?

MIMT helps people suffering from trauma-related psychological issues, in particular: depression, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, personality disorders, OCD, eating disorders, addiction, relationship problems and many other psychological issues. 

Sports Psychology

MTM (Mirror Training Method) for Athletes

The distinctive Mirror Therapy methodology was modified especially for professional athletes several years ago. In this format, it is known as the Mirror Training Method. Mirror Training Method lends itself exceptionally well to training sportspeople. When athletes work in front of the mirror with an MTM therapist, they can overcome every mental block standing in the way of them reaching their full potential. 

A revolutionary method of helping people face life’s challenges